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  • Writer's pictureksenia kosova

Why is digital fashion becoming the new chic?

The digital world - Metavrese has been a very discussed topic now days. In Metavrese you can do all of the activities that people do in real life: go to work, play sports and even buy digital clothes. It reminds me of Sims that I used to play when I was younger, I could also chose the Sims appearance and clothing, feed them and walk around the Sim City.

Recently a lot of high fashion brands have been selling digital clothing and often limited pieces which cost up to hundreds thousands of dollars. I had a hard time understanding why would someone pay so much money for something that they could never wear in real life. People still have normal lives, they go to work, restaurants and parties physically, where they cant show off their digital designer dress. Why do people spend the same or even more amount of money for items that do not exist in real life? I understand that Metaverse could be a big part of our lives one day, and virtual reality will win over the real life, but why do people care what they are wearing in it? For me personally it is the experience of wearing an item that matters, how it makes me feel, how the material feels and looks and if I wore something ugly in virtual reality - I would not care because it is the virtual figure wearing it. Even if the Metaverse will be a big part of our lives, it is hard to believe that digital fashion will take over the physical fashion as we would still need the

physical clothes.

There is also a positive side to the digital fashion, the unlimited creativity that could be used. In the digital world people can wear items that could not exist in real life. Gravity does not exist in the world of digital fashion and your clothes could be floating or flying. You can wear clothes that you wouldn't dare to wear in real life. Digital fashion also gives an opportunity for new designers to produce clothing without the expenses of fabrics etc. For some people social media is the reason for purchasing digital items, you can post photos of yourself wearing the fashionable digital items that couldn’t be bought and made in real life.

Of course digital fashion is a new step for overconsumption. Many people purchase physical items just to take a photo for their social media and with existence of digital fashion this process became much easier. While fashion is the cause of 10% of greenhouse emissions, digital fashion could prevent the further damage to our environment.

There is definitely a positive side of the digital fashion becoming the new chic, and it definitely has its target consumers interested in it. The important thing is to know how to balance the digital world lifestyle with real life.

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